Friday, February 13, 2015

Hey there Friday...

It's Valentine's Day weekend! Being the big cornball I am I love Valentine's Day. I had plans for me and big man this weekend but the weather isn't cooperating - AT ALL. So plans changed and that's okay! It's more important that I got my special person by my side than where we are. I'll post about that on Sunday though. ;-)

Last weekend I placed an order at Steve's Paleo Goods. (Instagram @stevespaleogoods or look them up on Facebook) if you're paleo or considering going paleo I can't recommend them enough! Makes snacking so much easier. Time saver, game changer! PaleoKoko (macaroon) is amazing. I'm not a jerky fan but the buffalo chicken jerky is delicious. I packed it yesterday when I knew I was going to have a busy day (more on that in a bit)

So, you know what I love? When you don't have a "plan" for dinner and just throw some things together and it comes out DELICIOUS! That happened the other day. I had flank steaks pulled out for dinner. Little man had a dentist appointment (that became an all day event) and I was supposed to have a night class. My plan was to throw flank steaks in the crock pot but I didn't know with what. I look around the kitchen - I put 2 flank steaks, 1 tbs olive oil, peeled garlic, garlic herb seasonings, 2 tbs of balsamic vinegar and the juice from 1 lemon. OH MY. We made a side of steamed spinach with garlic. Absolutely delicious. This is for sure a "make again" dish. Yum.

Back to my happy news - last weekend I got my super awesome running shoes (they're great by the way - I am obsessed). The week before big man got his, he is also obsessed. So we have become big fans of Road Runner Sports in Cherry Hill, NJ. Well I am currently a student and my classes are scheduled in a way I have some free time during the week. Big man noticed that RRS was hiring. He said that I should apply, it'd be the perfect job for me. So I applied. Monday I got a phone call for a phone interview. Then Tuesday I had a group interview. That went well so yesterday I had my shadow interview. Hoping to hear something positive soon! :-)

I am sometimes shocked how many people don't know what paleo is or what it's about. Whenever I mention it or something about it I do get a lot of questions. Usually what is it? Or well what do you eat? Sometimes people say oh I could never do that. I used to think the same about myself, I LOVED pasta, bread, rice, pretzels, ice cream, the list goes on. After seeing what an awesome impact paleo has made in my life in such a short time I couldn't imagine going back to the way I ate previously.

In December of 2014 my weight was the highest it had been besides when I was pregnant with my son. In July of 2014 I hit a point where I took some time off from running. Unfortunately that went from time off from running to ignoring everything fitness related. It rolled into August, September, October. So by the holidays I was huge, feeling absolutely terrible about myself. I was wearing sweats and hoodies because that's all I was fitting in. I knew something had to change. By December I knew one of my New Years goals would be to make fitness part of my life again. I would lose weight, get back in the gym, drink more water, run 4x a week at least and kick diet coke to the curb (among other things). I bought a fitness tracker (I'll talk about that more later too), organized myself, tossed the junk and set some goals. For the first month I ate better, not paleo. I also got back into the gym in the mornings with big man. We were running 2-3 times a week. We started training for a half marathon we are running in April. Since we saw success and results we discussed going paleo in February. We are staying consistent on our morning gym sessions AND now running four times a week. Well on January 1, I was 176 lbs. As of today February 13, I am 159.4. I am not at my goal weight, still pretty far away, but I am closer than I was when I began and that's what's important.

One of the greatest tips I was given was to make my goals my phones lock screen. That way they're not something I can just toss aside. They're in my face everyday. Staring at me. Holding me accountable. I downloaded an app called Sticky to make my note. Here's what my phones lock screen looks like:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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